BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:GMG Visit to DLF Seeds (Johnsons Lawn Seed) - POSTPONED UID:112 DESCRIPTION:This visit has been postponed until further notice. An announcement will be made once a new date has been arranged.\n\nDLF Seeds is a factory for the UK’s most advanced seed packing production line.\n\nItinerary:\n10.30      Meet for tea and coffee.\n11.00      Welcome by Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager and Tour of the production line.\n12:30      Break for lunch      \n13:15      Guided tour of the wildflower production, and grass breeding areas.\n\nPlease note as this is a working factory suitable clothing and footwear are essential for this visit!\n\nRailway Stations:\nBromsgrove or Redditch are the nearest stations although a taxi or car \nshare would be needed to travel to the venue.\n\nCar Share:\nCar shares could be available upon request.\n\nParking:\nMain car park\nEV Chargers are available on request and first come first served basis\n\n DTSTART:20240604T080000Z DTEND:20240604T140000Z LOCATION:Thorn Farm, Inkberrow, Worcestershire WR7 4LJ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR