Outstanding Contribution Award 2023
Sponsored by Westland
Awarded to
Barbara Segall
Awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution over a number of years to our profession. This award is in the gift of the GMG Committee.
previous winners of the Lifetime Achievement Award are:
1993 Peter Seabrook; 1994 Fred Whitsey; 1995 Graham Stuart-Thomas; 1996 Rosemary Verey; 1997 Christopher Lloyd; 1998 Beth Chatto; 1999 Penelope Hobhouse; 2000 Geoff Amos; 2001 Jerry Harpur; 2002 Roy Lancaster; 2003 Joy Larkcom; 2004 Alan Titchmarsh; 2005 Dr David Hessayon; 2006 Geoffrey Smith; 2007 Ken Muir; 2008 Michael Warren
2009 Peter Beales; 2010 Andrew Lawson; 2011 John Brookes & Nigel Colborn; 2012 Jekka McVicar; 2013 Stefan Buczacki; 2014 Christopher Brickell; 2015 Adrian Bloom; 2016 Jim McColl; 2017 Richard Jackson; 2018 Gary Rogers; 2019 Carol Klein; 2020 Anna Pavord; 2021 Graham Rice; 2022 Michael Marriott

1 The Peter Seabrook Practical Book of the Year
Sponsored by GARDENA
Emma Crawforth for Things to do with Plants


Judges' Comments
“The winner of Practical Book of the Year is a compelling read, covering multiple topics that are very relevant to the gardening audience of the present day. The author's voice came through, as did a strong sense of articulation and creative flair. It perfectly fulfils the criteria of a very good read and a highly practical book."

2 Garden Book of the Year
Sponsored by Stihl
Shahina Ghazanfar for Plants of the Qur’ān

Judges' Comments
"The entries for this category were outstanding and it was very difficult to decide the winner and shortlist, but this collaboration of author and illustrator has produced a remarkable, unique book.
This book invites its readers in with warmth and knowledge, on a breathtaking journey of discovery. A truly inspirational book."

3 Garden Publication of the Year
Sponsored by Johnsons Lawn Seed
Gardens Illustrated


Judges' Comments
"The judges agreed that all entries were of a very high standard but the winner was chosen for their development and innovation, with a fresh approach to illustration, editorial and presentation. This magazine has increased its appeal significantly over the past year, offering a broad view of plants and garden with glorious photography, excellent editorial and rich content."

4 The Dr David Hessayon Garden Writer
of the Year
Matthew Collins

Judges' Comments
"In this category, the winner’s work stood out through the diversity of their writing topics. The writing was inspirational, engaging and real. It is such a skill to write long form with such a generous voice to a range of audiences and the winner passes on their knowledge and experience eloquently, hooking the reader, and leaving them wanting to learn more. Wonderful."

5 Practical Journalist of the Year
Sponsored by Cobra Garden
Benedict Vanheems


Judges' Comments
"The judges really enjoyed the winner’s succinct and confident writing style, which helped lead readers through every process of growing. Relevant images, step-by-steps and a range of jobs ensured there was something for everyone in each of their entries. The informative text was engaging and punchy, and all the information was quickly digestible."

6 The Beth Chatto Environmental Award
Sponsored by Beth Chatto Education Trust
Ade Sellars

Judges' Comments
"The winner's writing is engaging, easy to read, and their personality shines through with an appropriate sense of humour. He sets out an easy to follow, do-it-yourself guide detailing well-considered and helpful options, with related pros and cons. Specific planting options are provided and the article is supported with great photography."

7 The Gordon Rae Photographer of the Year
Bennet Smith

Judges' Comments
"All of the finalists’ would have been worthy winners. However, the judges agreed that one portfolio stood out not only for its technical excellence in matters such as sharpness, exposure and depth of field, but also because of the aesthetic quality of all the images. In particular, there is superb use of natural light, and a clear awareness of the optimum time of day for making the photographs. The compositions are all well-balanced and harmonious, with some pleasingly unusual use of viewpoints and angles."

8 Features Photographer of the Year
Sponsored by Roses UK
Richard Bloom


Judges' Comments
"The standard of entries in the Features Photographer of the Year category was high, but there was one entry in particular that beautifully illustrates three remarkable gardens. The different characters of the gardens are skilfully captured, with superb use of light. Expansive views of the gardens and borders, enhanced by warm sunlight, sit alongside more subtly lit portraits of selected plants with incredible depth and detail. It is the consistency of approach and the mesmerising compositions in all three features that ensured this entry rose to the top of the pile."

9 Portfolio Photographer of the Year Award
Molly Hollman

Judges' Comments
"We liked the use of macro to sharply highlight an insect world that is critical to plant survival, but whose role is often underrated. By bringing these insects into context with the plants that depend on them, the winner has created something that makes a real point in a very meaningful way, whilst also producing highly decorative work. We also recognised how difficult it is to capture crisp images of insects going about their life and to put them into context as here, which we felt was a real achievement."

10 The Roy Lancaster Broadcast of the Year
Monty Don's Adriatic Gardens

Judges' Comments
"In this category, the winner stood out as a programme that promised and delivered a simple concept; glimpses into gardens not normally accessible to visitors, the history of those gardens and their current place in their society. It was beautifully shot, evoking all the romance and history of that ancient city and showcasing a range of different types of gardens. A worthy winner."

11 Radio Broadcast or Podcast of the Year
Sponsored by The Horticultural Trades Association
Talking Gardens


Judges' Comments
"The judges felt this podcast does indeed recreate the style it claims in its intro text. The winner’s gentle but informed style of interviewing brought out the interviewee’s characteristic enthusiasm very successfully. A worthy winner that combines two pillars of British gardening."

12 The Alan Titchmarsh New Talent Award
Sponsored by Miracle-Gro
Bob Askew


Judges' Comments
"The judges found the winner a master of the written word, communicating expertise, experience and knowledge in some of the most compelling garden writing any of us have read. Their pieces are authoritative, interesting, drive us to a desire to rush out and order every tree they recommend and avoid those they tell us will be no good. We have no doubt these articles will soon be collected in a must-have-for-all-gardeners book."

13 Garden Video of the Year
Sponsored by Charles Dowding Ltd
Can You Be Self-Sufficient While Working a Full-Time Job?


Judges' Comments
"The intended audience and purpose of video is stated at the start and it delivers! This content creator provides clear advice, attainable projects and shows real results. The video is entertaining and visually interesting throughout, with personality and humour whilst also highlighting a very relatable issue. This was a video that could make you laugh one minute and teach you a valuable lesson the next."

14 Digital Gardening Writer of the Year
Sponsored by Honda
Val Bourne - Hartley Bontanic

Judges' Comments
"These sparkling posts stood out for their pacy, engaging and horticulturally-correct content. They were full of personality, easy to read and clearly written by somebody with an abiding love of plants, gardening and the natural world who spends a lot of time observing what’s happening. A well-judged sprinkling of humour was the icing on the cake. Although perhaps best known for their books and magazine writing, the winner has demonstrated a transfer of skills to digital writing for a well-known company in the gardening world."

15 Individual Social Media Influencer of the Year
Sponsored by Thompson & Morgan
Rekha Mistry - Rekha's Garden & Kitchen


Judges' Comments
"The winner is engaging, informative and succinct, appealing both to beginners and more experienced gardeners with advice delivered in a warm, approachable way. Explanations are clear and simple, and made the judges want to go out and try things out themselves. The filming style is beautiful but natural, with a contemporary take."

16 Brand Social Media Influencer of the Year
Sponsored by The Garden Press Event
Borde Hill Garden


Judges' Comments
"The winner of this category may or may not necessarily have the most followers – this one was chosen for their combination of beautiful photography and composition, authentic regular interaction with their audience and sound horticultural advice. Everything was delivered in a relatable and easy-to-understand way and provided a perfect snapshot of seasons. It was to the point and relevant. It has a good balance of people, plants and place."
