Home Guild Members Liz Stewart Specialities Editor Lecturer Photographer Public Relations Website Editor Website Producer Website Writer Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Local Newspapers Writer: National Newspaper Writer: Trade & Professional Liz Stewart Associate Member Biography After a career started in PR, Liz has spent the past 18 years working in the environmental charitable sector, specialising in funding and programme development. She is now Chief Executive of Scotland's Gardens Scheme, a national charity which supports the opening of mostly private gardens to raise funds for a wide range of other charities. The charity publicises garden openings through its annual 'yellow book', website, blog and social media. Liz joined Scotland's Gardens Scheme from the Royal Horticultural Society where she led operations in Scotland and was also national programme lead for one of the RHS’s key outreach programmes UK-wide. She gardens for fun and loves nothing more than visiting other people’s gardens for inspiration. Address ScotlandUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* *required Phone Number* *required Email Address* *required Invalid email address Subject* *required Message* *required Please complete the Google reCAPTCHA