Home Guild Members Lucy Summers Specialities Book Author Editor Lecturer Sound Broadcaster: National TV Broadcaster Website Writer Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Local Newspapers Writer: National Newspaper Writer: Trade & Professional Lucy Summers RHS Diploma Full Member Biography Writer: consumer magazines, trade & professional, local newspapers; sound broadcaster: national, local; TV broadcaster; author. Lucy is an approachable, hands-on, RHS qualified horticulturalist, landscape designer, Chelsea Gold medallist, garden writer, TV presenter, broadcaster and author of the gardening book series Greenfingers Guides. She is a regular contributor to newspapers and magazines and gives lively, gardening talks to many organisations on request. All enquiries can be made by email to me directly. Additional Interests Gardening social history, Gardening for health, Chelsea Flower Show history Gardening during World Wars 1 & 2 Talks Based in: Ipswich Distance willing to travel: 20 miles Virtual talks available: Yes Fees: 200 Talks: The healing power of nature History of the Chelsea Flower Show How to get published in non-fiction And more... Address SuffolkUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* *required Phone Number* *required Email Address* *required Invalid email address Subject* *required Message* *required Please complete the Google reCAPTCHA