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Ruth Chivers
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Ruth Chivers

Full Member


I am a garden writer, book author and have written features for a number of consumer magazines. Author of A Garden A Day, Batsford Books, November 2023. Articles include: Design Duos (The English Garden, October 2019 – February 2020, series of four articles). Contributor: The Garden Book (revised edition, 2021, Phaidon), PLANT: Exploring the Botanical World (2016, Phaidon); contributor 1001 Plants You Must Grow Before You Die (2016, Quintessence); contributor The Gardener's Garden (2014, Phaidon); co–author Designing Gardens on Slopes (2012, Packard Publishing). A retired Fellow of the Society of Garden Designers (FSGD), I give talks on garden design and garden history. Subjects of special interest are contemporary garden design, 20th century garden history and designing for lower maintenance to get more enjoyment out of a garden. I'm a member of the Gloucestershire NGS team.


Based in: Gloucestershire, UK
Distance willing to travel: Negotiable
Virtual talks available: No


Talks: A Garden A Day


United Kingdom

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