Home Guild Members Michael Warren Specialities Artist/Illustrator Photographer Photographic Collection Writer: Consumer Magazines Michael Warren FCI Hort. Honorary Member Biography Writer: consumer magazines; photographer; Enthusiastic horticulturist, photographing and writing for the past 56 years. Contributor to GAP., Picture Library. Frequent traveller to gardens and shows. Past Chairman and President of the GMG. Awarded GMG Lifetime Achievement Award 2008. PGPA photographer. Additional Interests Travel, photography, East Anglia, hands-on gardener, flowers, vegetables and exotics Address 169 Valley RoadIpswichIP1 4PJSuffolkUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* *required Phone Number* *required Email Address* *required Invalid email address Subject* *required Message* *required Please complete the Google reCAPTCHA