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Richard Bowman
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Richard Bowman RHS Trained

Probationary Member


I have been gardening since I was a little lad, it’s in my blood with a great grandfather being a Head Gardener and a grandfather getting me down the garden as soon as I could walk. As I was leaving school I took an apprenticeship on a heritage estate working my way up to Estate Manager, after a slight career change but still gardening I've developed a passion for creating horticultural content on my social media platform @norther_horticulturist something that was sparked whilst at Horticultural College, when I saw a need to enthuse ‘younger’ people to get into the sector. Upon leaving college I continued to hone my horticultural skills aswell as trying to focus on creating content, from how to guides to horticultural history. I would love to peruse a career in producing articles for horticultural publications.

Additional Interests

Can a gardener have additional interests? When I’m not writing about aspects of horticulture, gardens I’ve visited or garden projects I can usually be found in the nearest antique shop or museum as a result in a previous career on a heritage estate. I enjoy woodwork, metalwork and getting out in the countryside walking and camping. Taking an active part in village life and following another passion of mine Scouting.

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