Home Guild Members Karen Gimson Specialities Editor Sound Broadcaster: Local Radio Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Local Newspapers Writer: National Newspaper Writer: Trade & Professional Karen Gimson Full Member Biography Writes a weekly column for Garden News Magazine focussing on home-grown food and cooking. BBC local Radio gardening. Garden designer. NCTJ qualified. Writes a blog at bramblegarden.com Additional Interests Garden club talks. Home grown flowers and food. Floristry. Wildlife gardening. Home cooking. Talks Based in: LOUGHBOROUGH, Leicestershire, UK Distance willing to travel: 50 miles. Longer distances negotiable. Virtual talks available: Yes Fees: £160. Plus .45p per mile I supply quality projector, microphone and speakers, and laptop. Talks: 365 days of colour. My life as a garden designer. Planting containers for seasonal colour with a planting demonstration. Creating a show garden for Rainbows Children’s Hospice. Bulbs: choosing and planting bulbs, corms and tubers. Focus on dahlias, salvias and special plants. How to grow them. Choosing small trees and underplanting them, with a focus on creating mini-wildflower areas. Christmas specials: creating home-made table decorations and front door plant pots using material from the garden. Bespoke talks created for garden clubs, u3a and floristry societies. Please ask! Dahlias- everything you need to know. Roses- everything you need to know about growing and using roses for home floristry. Snowdrops- everything you need to know to grow and enjoy them Wildlife gardening special. Making your garden more resilient. Ways to combat flooding and drought. How to make and use home-made compost. A donation is made to charity with every talk. Address LeicestershireUnited Kingdom Contact Details 7930246974 Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* *required Phone Number* *required Email Address* *required Invalid email address Subject* *required Message* *required Please complete the Google reCAPTCHA