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Speaker List

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speakers & lecturers

If you're a member of a garden club, horticultural society or similar organisation looking for a speaker to give a talk to your members, staff and others, then look no further than the Garden Media Guild members who are speakers and lecturers.

Members of the Garden Media Guild are either well-known writers, authors, photographers, bloggers, social media influencers, or radio or TV presenters. Our directory provides a list of the most popular talks they give – although they may have more – their contact details and fees.

Please note

This is a service for clubs and societies, provided by the Guild. The Garden Media Guild is not responsible for the speakers in any way and we cannot enter into any conversations with the clubs, societies and speakers concerning bookings, or any other matter, or any dispute that may arise from any subsequent bookings.

How to use

You can either see the full list of our members who give talks – simply scroll down the page – or you can search for a speaker.

If you know the name of the speaker you are interested in, type their name in the search box below.

If you're looking for a speaker within a certain distance of your club or society, type your postcode in the box plus the maximum number of miles you're willing for them to travel to you. You can also use the Speaker’s Home Town/City search box.

If you're looking for a specific topic, type this in the Talk Topic box. A list of all the speakers who talk on this subject will be returned.


Showing 1-10 of 136

Henry Agg Virtual Talks Available

Henry Agg

Based in:
Distance willing to travel:
Virtual talks available: Yes




Simon Akeroyd Virtual Talks Available

Simon Akeroyd

Based in: Devon and Cobham, Surrey, UK
Distance willing to travel:
Virtual talks available: Yes




Souren Ala MSc

Souren Ala

For the last 23 years Souren has been engaged garden design, creation and planting. He began writing for The Hardy Plant (the journal of the Hardy Plant Society) in 2014 and became its editor in 2019. He has a particular interest in bulbs and wildflower meadows.

Based in: Hannington, Hampshire, UK
Distance willing to travel: Any
Virtual talks available: No

Fees: Negotiable

Talks: Wildflower meadows Good garden plants Bulbs Persian gardens


adam alexander Virtual Talks Available

adam alexander

A consummate storyteller and successful and award-winning film and television producer, Adam lectures on his work discovering, conserving and sharing rare, endangered garden crops. He maintains a seed library of 500 vegetables that he has collected over 35 years which he shares with other growers.

Based in: Chepstow, Monmouthshire, UK
Distance willing to travel: Any distance
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: £175 plus 60p/mile distances up to 50 miles. £250 plus travelling expenses up to 100 miles. Greater distance and Zoom by negotiation

Talks: THE GARDENS OF THE MEKONG – A journey of horticultural discovery through Laos and Cambodia MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE VEGETABLES - from wild parent to cultivated offspring THE ADVENTURES OF A SEED DETECTIVE – collecting and sharing rare and endangered delicious vegetables from around the world. SEED SAVING MADE SIMPLE – Its easy, its rewarding and anyone can do it THE CULTURE OF SEED SAVING – Why saving seeds connects us to what we grow and eat THE SEED SAVERS OF RAJASTHAN - a land where local varieties and the celebration of deliciousness is a way of life ADVENTURES IN ALBANIA - exploring the greatest diversity of flora and food production in a little-known corner of Europe


Camilla Anderson

Camilla Anderson

With an MA in Garden History, Camilla gives illustrated lectures on Garden History. She is also the editor of Visit Gardens, a website for garden visitors.

Based in: Derbyshire, UK
Distance willing to travel: Any distance
Virtual talks available: No

Fees: From £125.00 plus travelling expenses of .45p/mile

Talks: ARTS AND CRAFTS & EDWARDIAN GARDENS and the gardens of Harold Peto A SHORT ACCOUNT of Garden History BEYOND THE GARDEN GATE: The gardens of Somerset and Dorset STATELY GARDENS of England: Chatsworth, Chiswick House, Syon and Alnwick THE ROTHSCHILDS and Their Gardens THOMAS MAWSON, the 'Capability' Brown of the Empire


Stephen Anderton Virtual Talks Available

Stephen Anderton

Author, lecturer, broadcaster, garden writer for the Times, formerly professional gardener and National Gardens Manager for English Heritage

Based in: Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, UK
Distance willing to travel: Any distance
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: £300 + expenses

Talks: Lives of the Great Gardeners Christopher Lloyd: His Life at Great Dixter Discovering Welsh Gardens Gardening in the Teeth of the Wind My Favourite Gardens


Russell Attwood BSc Hons Virtual Talks Available

Russell Attwood

Entertaining speaker, experienced allotment gardener and blog author with a background in crop science and education

Based in: Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK
Distance willing to travel: 50 miles, eg anywhere between Oxford and Cambridge or within the Midlands. Further afield considered.
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: £120 plus travel expenses

Talks: No-Dig Gardening A Passion for Pumpkins - The Amazing Pumpkin Show! Soil, more than just dirt Weeds, how to manage and love them


Matthew Baber Virtual Talks Available

Matthew Baber

From his native Horse and Bourbon Country in Kentucky, USA, Matthew teaches garden-inspired floristry and cooking, illustrating lessons with insight, practicality, stories from his 30+ years experience, and lush inspiration, including 35 varieties of roses grown in his own gardens.

Based in: Owensboro, Daviess County, Kentucky
Distance willing to travel: International
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: Please enquire.

Talks: Frequent subjects include Cutting and Conditioning Flowers and Foliage, Foam-Free Vase Arranging, and Hand-Tied Bouquets Masterclass, but I'm happy to work with botanic gardens and clubs, historic houses, libraries, museums, professional associations, and other groups to develop the perfect bespoke demo, lecture, or workshop to activate and inspire your audience.


Richard Barnes BA, DipLA Virtual Talks Available

Richard Barnes

Writer, photographer, lecturer

Based in: Morpeth, Northumberland, UK
Distance willing to travel: Within 100 miles of home, but greater distances by negotiation
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: From £90

Talks: The Winter Garden Plants From the Ends of the Earth The Idea of the Garden Inspiration It’s Not All About Plants Plant and Garden Photography


Camilla Bassett-Smith Virtual Talks Available

Camilla Bassett-Smith

Writer, Radio broadcaster, TV broadcaster.

Based in: Gloucestershire, UK
Distance willing to travel: Up to 30 miles
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: Negotiable

Talks: Working in Gardening TV: behind the scenes of the BBC RHS Chelsea coverage & other programmes


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