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Speaker List

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speakers & lecturers

If you're a member of a garden club, horticultural society or similar organisation looking for a speaker to give a talk to your members, staff and others, then look no further than the Garden Media Guild members who are speakers and lecturers.

Members of the Garden Media Guild are either well-known writers, authors, photographers, bloggers, social media influencers, or radio or TV presenters. Our directory provides a list of the most popular talks they give – although they may have more – their contact details and fees.

Please note

This is a service for clubs and societies, provided by the Guild. The Garden Media Guild is not responsible for the speakers in any way and we cannot enter into any conversations with the clubs, societies and speakers concerning bookings, or any other matter, or any dispute that may arise from any subsequent bookings.

How to use

You can either see the full list of our members who give talks – simply scroll down the page – or you can search for a speaker.

If you know the name of the speaker you are interested in, type their name in the search box below.

If you're looking for a speaker within a certain distance of your club or society, type your postcode in the box plus the maximum number of miles you're willing for them to travel to you. You can also use the Speaker’s Home Town/City search box.

If you're looking for a specific topic, type this in the Talk Topic box. A list of all the speakers who talk on this subject will be returned.


Showing 1-7 of 7

Chris Day

Chris Day

Chris Day is a professional horticulturalist who is keen to share his passion for gardening. He has worked in commercial horticulture, garden centre retailing and worked on, written for and edited consumer gardening magazines, including Amateur Gardening, Water Gardener, and Garden Ideas.

Based in: Buckingham. Buckinghamshire, UK
Distance willing to travel: 75 miles
Virtual talks available: No

Fees: Please contact

Talks: A wide range and varied collection of talks curated over time Plant For Pollinators (year-round) Gardening In A Changing Climate (year-round) Gardening with sustainability in mind (year-round) Taming The Indoor Jungle (‘Houseplants Made Easy’) (year-round) Gardening in Retirement The Evolution of the Independent Garden Centre (year-round) The Gardening Influences of Beatrix Potter (year-round) Re-Inventing The Garden Border (year-round) Successional Planting (year-round) How To Create A Wildlife Friendly Garden (year-round) The Productive Cut Your Own Garden (year-round) ‘Trees, Shrubs and Hedges for Small Gardens’ (year-round) ‘The Good, Bad & Bugly’ (January-October) Twelve Months of Colour (Year-Round) This Gardening Business (year-round) ‘The all-new A-Z Of Fool-Proof Gardening’ (year-round) ‘The Year-Round Container Gardener’ (year-round) My Life as a Gardening Magazine Editor (year-round) A Bulb For All Seasons (January-March, September-November) ‘Exotic Plants Indoors and Out’ (May-September) ‘Grow Your 5-A-Day: The Good Life Garden’ (March-August) Getting to grips with fruit: The Good Life Garden’ (March-August) ‘Growing Under Cover’ (January-May) Garden Masterclass talks Subjects include Fruit Growing Guide, Vegetable Growing For Beginners, Shrubs for Smaller Spaces, Creative Pots and Baskets, Growing Perfect Perennials, A Guide To Growing Roses, Celebrating Climbers, Hedging For All Gardens, Trees For Small Spaces and Be A Houseplant Expert. These are PowerPoint based with some plant props included.


Claudia de Yong BA Honours

Claudia de Yong

Based in: Cheshire, UK
Distance willing to travel:
Virtual talks available: No




Mark Diacono Virtual Talks Available

Mark Diacono

Based in: Devon, UK
Distance willing to travel:
Virtual talks available: Yes




David Domoney C Hort. FCI Hort. Virtual Talks Available

David Domoney

Based in: Warwickshire, UK
Distance willing to travel:
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: On application

Talks: A variety of gardening talks available.


Charles Dowding MA Cantab Geography Virtual Talks Available

Charles Dowding

Charles is a contemporary pioneer of no dig growing, has run market gardens since 1983, and currently double crops one third of an acre in SW England for local sales of salad leaves and vegetables. He teaches extensively, has written 14 books and publishes YouTube videos regularly.

Based in: Shepton Mallet, Somerset, UK
Distance willing to travel: 100 miles
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: 600 to 900 plus VAT

Talks: No dig gardening Making compost


Alan Down Master of Horticulture [RHS] Virtual Talks Available

Alan Down

Experienced, knowledgeable and enthusiastic speaker with a very wide range of horticultural knowledge to draw on. Sharp and clear visual images.

Based in: Tintinhull, Yeovil, Somerset, UK
Distance willing to travel: 50 miles
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: £300 + mileage



Felicity Down Virtual Talks Available

Felicity Down

Retired from owning a garden centre for 35 years near Bristol , now creating new garden in Somerset . Keen to encourage non gardeners into gardening

Based in: Yeovil, Somerset, UK
Distance willing to travel:
Virtual talks available: Yes

Fees: £200 plus 45p per mile

Talks: Climbing and Wall Shrubs. Plants with attractive bark and stem colour. Growing herbs. Encourage wildlife to your garden. Great foliage plants. Plants grown for fragrance throughout the year. Plants for the flower arranger. Gardening for television. Gardening in containers. Winter colour. All year round colour in the garden. Plan it ! Plant it! Border Design.


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